Helpful tips for working from home moms!
When it comes to working from home and being a mom (been there, done that), there are some rules to the game. With a family to think about, your entire day cannot just be focused on business. Some sort of balance must be achieved for both your home life and business to be successful. Working from home will no doubt come with many challenges. This is where flexibility come in. Life is unpredictable and that is why you must be ready to switch gears at any given moment. Your child may get sick and need to be picked up from school; or your spouse may need to work late. Whatever it may be, distractions will happen when you are self-employed and working from home! To be successful as a work at home mom, you will have to have systems in place so that when the distractions happen you can easily get back on track again.
Here are 5 things every woman needs in order to run a successful business from home.
1. A Business Plan. Without a plan your business will not thrive. With a plan you can see where you are, where you need to go, and how to get there. It needs to be understood that there is no need to have a long 25-page business plan. A simple 1 to 3-page plan can be just as beneficial and should include a mission statement and both short and long-term goals for your business.
2. A Schedule. Yes, be flexible, but do keep a schedule. Doing so will help you to avoid distractions and keep up with your family and their busy schedules. This includes using a timer to stay on task, and even using solo driving time for quick calls/meetings! With a good schedule you can do your work, be available to your family, and have time for yourself as well.
3. A village. You have friends and like-minded women in your life both online and off available to provide you with the support you need to succeed. Find them! It will be worth the effort to connect, engage, and network with women who are where you are, or have been there and can give you valuable advice and assistance. It could be as simple as hiring help as needed to bouncing ideas around and getting valuable feedback.
4. Prep. Sunday is not a total day of rest. Sunday is prep day! Prep meals, meetings, self-care and shopping …. And the ever-popular to-do list, is your friend! This is part of your prep for the upcoming week and by creating tasks and deadlines, you stay on course and keep focused. Preparation is the key to success.
5. Me Time. If you want to find true success at being a work at home mom, then you will need time for yourself. It is ok to be selfish so that you can recharge. This could be starting your day earlier than usual to take a walk, meditate, or take a trip to your favorite local coffee shop. Whatever you choose to do, you need some valuable “me time” so that you can stay centered, healthy, and well adjusted.
Enjoy working from home but do so with plan to be successful for your family and your business.
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