
Benefits of Including 360⁰ Video in your Business Marketing Campaign

One of the most popular developing trends in the visual industry is using a video that allows you to present your audience with a view from every angle of a specific space.  These types of videos have the viewer in charge of controlling which point of the recording they wish to see rather than only watching from one perspective as predetermined by producer of that content.

These videos are called 360⁰ videos.  These videos are either shot using a multi camera setup or with the use an omnidirectional camera.  Many businesses are now infusing these types of videos into their marketing strategies. Why?

Customers desire interaction and engagement. These videos not only provide interaction, but it allows your customers to control the interaction and engagement.  The use of 360⁰ videos allow an individual to engage with your entire business or focus on one small detail of your business that interests them.  So, instead of that little detail getting lost, 360⁰ videos offer the viewer the opportunity to explore the detail that they are interested in more closely.

This gives the viewer an immersive experience that is not common with normal videos.

The technology is still fresh on the market, but the future is coming with great speed and with Tri-Toy, you can give your business an edge over the competition.  Better still, you can trigger the future by creatively crafting your marketing campaigns around 360⁰ video that puts your business at the forefront of the future, that is sure to arrive sooner rather than later. If you make this move you will join the small 12% of businesses that have applied 360⁰ video for marketing purposes. The success of those businesses is up 86%, so, it does work!

As a business owner there are a few important research points to consider

  • Understanding the electronic devices and social platforms that support such videos.
  • Having a 360⁰ video viewing device yourself.
  • Analyzing your business to better understand which area will benefit the most from using 360⁰ video.
  • Marketing platforms where you will find the most engagement from your current and future customers.
  • What is needed for a successful production when shooting 360⁰ video.

Tri-Toy Productions has the capabilities to provide everything you need to produce 360⁰ videos. 

Here are a few tips for using 360⁰ video

  • Make Tri-Toy your Partner of Choice – Tri-Toy has the tools and the expertise to be able to craft premium 360⁰ video content. Get in touch today.
  • Content Curation - Grow your Facebook and YouTube Engagement – Facebook is the platform of choice for the promotion of 360⁰ video content for engagement at this point.  They are making massive investments in this arena.  Their purchase of Oculus rift is a sign of their eagerness to be at the forefront of the future. Facebook also has tools on their platform that support both publishing and viewing of such content. This gives you, as a marketer, more control over the 360⁰ content that you create.  Additionally, if you don’t use YouTube in your marketing campaigns then you should start.  They, like Facebook are in sync with the growing trends and support 360⁰ videos on their platform. Aside from your own website, it’s essential that you explore both platforms to maximize exposure of your brand/service. 
  • Explore the Behind-the-Scenes aspects of your business – Nothing makes 360⁰ video better than giving the customer the feeling of being right in the mix of the development of their favorite or would-be favorite product or brand. Explore creating this type of content as it creates a unique connection with the heart of the customer rather than just telling them why your product is better than the rest.

Advantages of using 360⁰ Video

  • You get more traffic from users – 360⁰ videos attract a higher click rate than regular videos. Also, there are twice as many viewers watching 360⁰ videos till the end compared to regular videos.  The worries of where to position the sweet spot of your video marketing content is partially gone – there is a curiosity that makes them want to see the videos through. The potential for over 28% more viewers than you experience with regular video is also an added advantage for your brand.
  • There are more conversions – The 360⁰ videos produce double the conversions than those gained from regular videos.
  • Your market can’t have enough – That’s not always common but something about 360⁰ videos make your customers come back for more.  An estimated 30% of viewers return for another taste of what you have to offer.  Create a following and continue creating fresh content and your business will reach more people.  It’s a win-win, you either have a brand being built or being strengthened.
  • Your live events can have an interactive feel – You can bring an event even closer to your audience.  Your audience can move around during your live events as if they were at the event itself. This transforms your brand to become a family hub to your users. About 55% of the views in the 360⁰ video market are live events.  This creates a better understanding of your brand and a focus for your marketing investment.

Get a jump start on the competition and utilize 360⁰ video for your company and become a leader in your market!

Check back next month for our thoughts on the benefits of Virtual Reality Video for your business!



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